Fun with Fandom Fights
Back in the 60's, a few enthusiastic fans in a small city called Cooltown decided to host a science fiction convention. At the suggestion of the Scooby-Doo fans, they decided to call it CoolCon and they would celebrate all the cool things they enjoyed. "If it's Cool, it's at CoolCon!" Several fan groups worked together to make the event a success- the Trekkers, Hobbitters, and Asmovians all got along famously and decided to make it an annual event. A few fans of the new overseas Doctor Who series (Whovians) were also present and felt welcomed by the positive energy. They convinced many local fans that Dr. Who was rather cool as well.
Over the decades, new fan groups arose or declined - the Jedi, Elfen, Fangsters, and Dressups all became involved and added their unique flavour. Sometimes the Scoobies felt there wasn't enough animation being presented, while Asmovians thought hard science should be a core component. Some groups only attended CoolCon, while others were very active all throughout the year. All groups were welcome as long as they felt their genre was cool and got along with other wanting to show their cool stuff as well. Some people thought the Fangsters were really Dressups in black and should be absorbed, while the Elfen fiercely defended the independence of their small but stable crew. People came and went as people aged, reproduced, died, and new people were welcomed in. Pointed ears, cloaks, lasers, and multi-coloured scarves abounded in many combinations.
One year, a Jedi was planning the convention and invited a comic artist of great renown at low cost. Everyone was excited and things were going well, until one of the Whovians read an interview where the artist talked about a comic he did where Dr. Who fought the Cylons. The artist said he wasn't much of a Whovian but he thought the Doctor would do well fighting an evil robot army in the Battlestar universe.
One Whovian told another, who told another, until word reached the Jedi. The Jedi thought the Whovians would like the fan fiction of their Doctor defeating evil robots, as usual, but the Whovians explained that only a Whovian can write a Doctor story, even if the Doctor is the hero. And Cylons were NOT Cybermen. Discussion turned to debate, which turned to conflict, and the artist and Jedi decided to be elsewhere. The Jedi organized another event (SuperCon) so they could play together and not be left lonely on that weekend.
CoolCon went on as usual, but several people noticed attendance was down. So the Whovians felt it must be from the negative feeling from the artist's comic, too many Whovians must have stayed away, so they would make a special effort to reach all Whovians and be sure that they knew CoolCon was welcoming to Whovians.
The Elfen noted that everyone knew CoolCon was already ultra-Whovian friendly, but the Dressups noted the historical lack of promotion to outside groups, and the numbers were not so off as some years. The Hobbitters thought they would attract new Aragorn-tv fans next year, but they were voted down.
And the Scoobies kept trying to explain to everyone how Coolsville was actually the hometown they were parodying...