Geeks Shouldn't Work in Social Services
Geeks Shouldn’t Work in Social Services
(Based on a real incident)
A guy in a short-sleeved collared shirt is typing in his
small office on the computer. A lady with a clipboard approaches his door and
knocks lightly.
“Hi Jerry, how’s it
going?” she asks.
“Good, Carol, good. Good with you?”
“Oh yes. I was hoping to schedule some time with you
for a brief conversation.”
“Ok… I have time now if you like.”
“Well, there’s no
rush, and I want you to pick a time when you are comfortable, because there’s
no rush, and we could meet here, or in my office, or the meeting room….”
“Um.. how about now? Now works for me… or did you want me to
prepare something?”
“Oh no, nothing at
all. Just thought we should have a conversation…. Give a little ‘feedback’ for
“So… I’m in
“Oh no, of course not,
no trouble at all… but you are allowed to have a union representative with you
if you want….”
“Why would I want
“Some people want to
have one present when dealing with their supervisor.”
“But I’m not in
“So I don’t need one.”
“Yes… but you are
fully entitled to have one. We could schedule for next week and we could
arrange a union steward to be present…”
“Ok… well…. If I don’t need one, I’d rather just
meet now and not worry all weekend about it…”
“Oh that’s fine. So you’re consenting to meet now?”
“Well, yes, we can
meet now…”
“So you’re
“Um… I guess we
might as well…”
“Because you always
have the right to refuse to meet, and have a union representative present, and
we don’t have to meet right away, because there is no rush..”
“Um… look, why
don’t we just talk and I can see what we’re supposed to talk about.”
“Ok… so you’re…”
“Yes, I’m
consenting to talk to you…. as we already have been doing.”
“Ok Jerry, so… I
wanted to give you some feedback on your email.”
“Oh, the budget costs per client estimate –yeah, those are
very rough costs but you wanted a ball-park figure…”
“Oh, no, that’s
fine. Really fine. I’m so glad we have you to crunch all those
numbers… it’s about the other one.”
“Ummm… the ‘yes,
let’s have cake for Janet on Friday at 2pm’ email? I’m really ok with cake at another time…”
“No, the other one...
the coffee one.”
“What coffee one?”
Oh! I didn’t respond to Byron because I
don’t want him to get me a coffee when he goes at noon. I just drink the coffee
“Oh yes, and we
appreciate the fact that you do. It’s
about the email you sent out last week about the coffee in the staff room.”
“Um… let me just scroll down here….. uh… ‘hey everyone, we
are running low on coffee in the staff room.
If you haven’t brought in a can of coffee this month, please do so.’ Is…
is that the one?”
“Yes, that’s the
“Um… was I
mistaken and we have a whole bunch of coffee somewhere we’re supposed to use
“Oh no, we’re actually
really running low… but you sent that email to ‘All Staff’.”
“Uh, yes, yes I sent it to all staff… because I noticed we
were on our last can and I already brought a can in this month and we should
have a bunch more ….but we don’t.”
“So you thought
you’d remind everyone to bring in a can of coffee if they wanted to keep having
“Uh, yes, yes that was the general plan…. And I saw a few
more cans there the next day so… mission accomplished?”
“Well, some people
were wondering about the tone.”
“The… ‘tone’?”
“Yes, the tone of the
“Um.. I’m unsure of how ‘hey we need to have coffee’ has
any… ‘tone’ in it.”
“Well, some people
were thinking… because it went to ‘All Staff’ that it was targeted at them.”
“How is an ‘All
Staff’ email targeted?”
“Well, some people are
thinking that you were, in a way, accusing them of not fulfilling their Coffee
Club duties.”
“I… would have thought that an ‘All Staff’ email was the
opposite of targeting people… because I don’t know who didn’t bring in their
monthly can of coffee and who did….”
“Yes… but do you see
how someone who had brought their can in, or someone who had planned to bring
one the next day, might see that as a passive aggressive slight at them?”
“Uh… no… not really…. Is it passive aggressive to remind
people of something when you notice it.. just as a FYI?”
“Well, people here are
really dedicated to helping people, providing services for the safety, health,
and welfare of our clientale… and they might be busy with other things… and
they fully intended to bring in a can of coffee for the Coffee Club… and might
not like to have it insinuated that they are failing in their duties.”
“Um… it’s a Coffee
Club…. Not much of a ‘club’ really… I mean, everyone brings in a can of coffee
per month and then we always have coffee for the coffee maker in the staff
room… pretty basic… there really isn’t any by-laws or governing structure to
“Well, now let’s not
be hostile about it…”
“Um… I’m not ‘hostile’
about it… quite the opposite. It’s such
a minor thing in the grand scheme of the universe that it barely warrants a
discussion… but maybe an FYI ‘hey guys, we’re going to run out of coffee in a
few days, how about bringing in a can before that happens’ would be a simple
solution to the problem…. Which seemed to work….”
“Well, hmmm, now, I
see your point… and you are of a very logical and rational mindset.”
“I’m a geek. Card-carrying, number-crunching nerd. I…
“name it and claim it”… I learned that phrase from you, Carol.”
“Yes, you are my go-to
for problem-solving… and I can understand you WAY better than Larry in I.T.”
“Well, he’s much
more sociable these days since he found a girlfriend.”
“Partner. It’s encouraged to use the word ‘partner’
when talking about significant others.
It was in that memo from the Ethics Committee.”
“Yes, I read that…
except that Larry seems to refer to her as his ‘girlfriend’… seems to like to
say it whenever he can… and since she’s only been around two months and they
haven’t been living together…”
“We’re not supposed to
inquire about someone’s partnership or living situation…”
“Well, when he
says – over coffee – “saw that movie last weekend with my girlfriend at the theatre
by her house”… it implies that she lives in a separate domicile than him… and
it apparently has a movie theatre nearby…”
“Well… maybe I’ll have
to talk to Larry about his choice of words… we don’t want to use oppressive
“So we’re going to
ban Larry from talking about his girlfriend?”
“No… but maybe he
doesn’t realize it could be a micro-aggression against people in non-cis-gender
“Um… no… I think
him and Patel are really good. They hang
out sometimes…. Patel and her partner are going to Larry’s niece’s social this
“But Patel might be
hurt by Larry saying ‘girlfriend’ all the time.”
“Actually, today
she said “Hey Larry, how’s the girlfriend” … while she was getting coffee…
Larry says ‘girlfriend’, Patel says ‘partner’… everyone uses their preferred
term and pronouns and don’t seem to have big issues with it.”
“Well… management just
wants everyone to feel free to do their work in an open and non-oppressive
“… and they’ll
accomplish that by telling people what words they can’t use?”
“No, we all want to
live in a bully-free world…”
“Yes… because bullies tend to be the reason the ice-caps are
melting… but forcing employees who use each other’s preferred terms… after
everyone is already doing the respect thing seems redundant….”
“Oh, no one is talking
about forcing”
“Well… let’s break
this down, what if someone doesn’t use the correct terms?”
“According to
procedure, they’ll have a meeting, and are allowed to have a union
representative present, and they’ll be informed of the breach, and asked on how
they will correct this.”
“And if they
“Well, why would they
not want to be…”
“Let’s just say that Larry… or someone else… walks around
saying ‘my girlfriend this, my girlfriend that’, what would happen?”
“Well, repeated
violations would mean a letter in their personnel file… and if enough letters
occur – “
“They can be
“So… dress it up
as we like, but depriving someone of their livelihood seems like a negative
sanction or ‘force’ to me… so really, management would be ‘forcing’ someone to
comply with them… in order to not have bullying in the workplace… which would
be the definition of irony.”
“I don’t think it
would come to that… but we needn’t focus on that issue… we have to talk about
the email.”
“Yes, my
inappropriate coffee email.”
“Well, it’s not
‘inappropriate’ per se, but perhaps it wasn’t the right tack to take with that
“Um, ‘hey guys, let’s bring coffee in before it runs out’ is
the wrong tack? Could you tell me what
the right tack would have been.”
“Well, according to
procedure, when there is a concern about a co-worker’s engagement in the
workplace, the preferred etiquette is to go to them directly and ask them about
the issue.”
“Uh.. it’s not
really an issue. We needed coffee,
people brought it in - done.”
“Well, the email went
to some people who already had their coffee can brought in so it would be seen
as redundant and a waste of their time…”
“So... they would
delete the email, thinking ‘good thing I brought mine already’ and continue
with their day. We would sure hate to
waste time on an insignificant issue….”
“But it might seem
like nagging to those who intended to bring in coffee without a reminder.”
“And they would
see themselves as ‘whew, good thing I’m bringing in coffee tomorrow,
apparently, I’m a superhero for saving the office from a World Without Coffee.’”
“But… Jerry, we need
to stay on topic… the proper way is to go around to each employee…. In the
coffee club…. And ask them if they have brought in their coffee allotment for
the month.”
“So…. Pretty much
everyone besides Byron, who likes to bring in his own, and you – you like tea…
I have to go around to 30 or so other people and knock on their doors and say
‘hey, how’s it going? Have you brought in your coffee for this month?’… because
that would be more efficient?”
“Well, you have to
understand how people are… they aren’t like computers or numbers…”
“um… I know how
people are.. in fact, I seem to know when they use the word ‘partner’ and they
use the word ‘girlfriend’ and I seem to know when they drink coffee or tea…”
“… and that’s all
good, but perhaps it’s good to remember to give a personal touch when making
demands of people..”
“Demands? How is ‘we are running out of coffee’ a demand?”
“Well, it’s the tone.”
“How is there tone
in an email unless it is in capitals?”
“Well, tone can be
very subtle… and it can be worth the time to think about emails before they are
“So.. . let me get
this straight… we are in charge of a whole social program, helping people,
making major policy decisions that affect people’s lives… and when I notice we
are down to the last can of coffee in the lunch room, I should go ‘hmmm, we
need more coffee, let me make a mental list of everyone who I saw drinking
coffee this month… now minus the people I saw bring in a coffee can… now make a
mental note to talk with the remainder about how I happen to notice the lack of
coffee in the lunch room and perhaps, have they noticed the lack of coffee and
hmmm, perhaps is there something they could do about that…. And do that 30
times…. And that would be efficient?”
“Yes, that would be
the preferred way.”
“I… I actually would rather have needles in my eyes. I would
rather… well, all kinds of things rather than go around to everyone and bother
them about such a petty thing, in person, which at thirty times even 3 minutes
a person would be an hour and a half of wasted time… while the email took 5
“Yes… but it would
have less impact on the staff.”
“So… the
government, who gives us our mandate, would rather that I spend 90 minutes,
gently and respectfully reminding everyone to bring in coffee… that’s four and
a half days over a year of wasted time when you factor in the other person’s time as well,
never mind counting this conversation…”
“Yes, but perhaps that
shouldn’t be one of your duties at all.”
“I don’t think it was a ‘duty’ to communicate ‘hey we need
coffee’ in the most efficient, technologically relevant way possible, consuming
5 seconds of work time and not even a farthing of electricity or computing
“Well, maybe in the
future, you might… uh… refrain from taking on that duty at all…”
“So, if I notice we are low on coffee, I should say nothing.”
“Perhaps you inform
me, and I could take charge of asking everyone about it.”
“Umm… yes, yes
I’ll go with that… in fact, perhaps you’d want to check on the coffee situation
on a regular basis.”
“Well, I’m not really part
of the Coffee Club….”
“-because you
drink tea.”
“But I could start
looking at drawing up a procedural form for it…”
“How about – on
the 15th or 20th of every month, at 10am, you set a
reminder to check on the coffee situation and then start the interview process
of all the staff. Here…” he said, types on the computer quickly, “I set up a
reminder for you and sent it to your account.
It will pop up every month now.”
“Aw, thanks Jerry. You
always are so good at these things. I’ll go check that in my office now.” Carol
starts walking away. “Great, that’s one
other duty I have to find time for….” she sighed as she walked off.
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