Wednesday, April 03, 2013

I AM United Church (like the Molson beer commercial)

Y'know.... I always thought sermons should be like beer commercials:
I`m not a charismatic
Or a hippie
And I don`t live in a gated community
Or own a Hummer
With a fish on the back of it
And I don`t know
Thomas Aquinas, or St Augustine, or John Wesley
Although I`m sure they wrote real good
I have a Moderator, not a Pope
She speaks on lots of issues
But no one wants to really listen these days
(But someone has to preach the social gospel)
I can proudly say we were touting gay rights before it was fashionable
We believe in peacemaking, not guilt trips
Questioning, not disciplining
And that the Christian is a servant, not a dictator
And its `love your neighbor`, NOT your banker
And we apologize for EVERYTHING!
We are the largest Protestant denomination!
Jesus`s biggest fans
And the nicest people to eat potato salad with.
I am a United Churcher... and I - AM - Canadian.
by Myles S. Hildebrand from Meadowwood United


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