Thursday, November 29, 2012

The three-legged stool of angst

Three- legged stool of angst

                Sometimes I am sitting somewhere and get hit by an awful and unexpected dread that all is not well.  My skeptical side rises up and declares the world absurd yet logical, and how it is all without meaning.  My spiritual side declares stubbornness and says the diversity of experience in the world says we are luminous beings in a physical container and it is all unfolding as it should.  My glimpse of the Divine despairs that we all fall short and are lost.  My skeptic says such a worldview is irrational and that the whole universe is not just a checkerboard between Good and Evil.  My spiritual says we are part of the great purpose and need to be in tune with it. My Divine cannot express itself except to say we must love and pray for our enemies, especially Osama Bin Laden, and no one will ever get that, especially those who claim that they do.  Each side speaks again:

Jesus is in control so there is no need to worry.

We are all One so there is no need to worry.

All we are is all we are so there is no need to worry.

And thus the stool settles again until the next time.  


Blogger MylesH said...

Sometimes the lopsided 3-legged stool of my mental schema can be used like a lion tamer to fend off idiocracy so easily, it surprises me. Noticed in my daytime that Dec 21st 2012 is coming. Haven't heard a lot of new paranoia about it lately. My rational side dismisses any disaster news because no dangers are present or predictable; my general spiritual side dismisses any grand cosmic convergenc
e as so unlikely that the very idea is perposterous; and my theological side cannot find any eschatological significance to anything upcoming whatsoever. So not concerned a whit. Tired of even pointing it out to people with only one leg on their stool.

Now, back during the Cold War, all three sides were often pretty freaked out. Back then, the world could have ended with a bang, not whimper. Now, it's just a whimper with no bang.... world without end.

5:30 AM  

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