2008 Xmas letter
At first, I was tempted to just say ‘good riddance to 2008’ and leave it at that but I figured a review is in order.
I faced strike this winter at AFM but came through it with an appreciation of what we have and where our vulnerabilities lie as a family.
Barb reduced her hours at Shoppers Drug Mart to be home more with the kids since that’s what’s most important to her and them.
Mylea is in grade one and doing well in French immersion and reading books all on her own now. She is in dance class every Saturday and quite the little actress (drama queen).
Rowan is not the worst boy in his preschool and even has scooped one of the few girls as his little girlfriend. He is quite the charmer and very funny when he is not being so stubborn. I have no idea where he gets it from.
My Dad Albert celebrated his 80th Birthday in March and is in great health.
Mom turned 79 and they celebrated their 50th anniversary... well, Maureen and I put on a get together and told them everyone was coming so they better be there too – just easier that way.
Maureen and husband Scott got paid to leave their old jobs and took some time to find better ones, making for a long, casual summer.
Nephew Connor is in gr 2 and turns 8 in Feb.
We had the Hildebrand family reunion in July so the kids got to get a concept of how many cousins they have. I did some research on the Hildebrand (‘Battle Sword’) name and the hero we are named after- even wrote a little story on it I might send out later.
Barb’s brother Mike married Vanessa in Calgary in July so we took an RV across the prairies to enjoy Drumheller, West Edmonton Mall, and Banff along the way and a good time to meet old and new family. Vanessa’s people are simply the nicest folk around and very welcoming. Barb’s sister Julie got engaged to Tyler in the mountains after that and plan to marry 2 summers from now.
If I was reluctant to write of the year, it was due to the constant bad news items we kept dealing with, not the least of which was Barb’s mom Henrika’s sudden passing on April 20th. The coroner is still uncertain of exact cause but her new blood pressure medicine hadn’t seemed to be agreeing with her the previous week. It was a great shock and quite devastating to every one –she was a fine lady and dearly missed. We dedicated a bench in Assiniboine park with her plaque and is a good place for visiting and picnicking.
I must say that hard times make you realize the ‘state of affairs’ in your life and can actually be inspiring. I know what it is to recognize the support of others in bad times and that ‘Footsteps’ poem makes such sense now. I truly hope you and yours face the trials of 2009 bravely and come through it safely and together.
God Bless
Myles, Barb, Mylea, & Rowan Hildebrand
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