Friday, December 19, 2008

The most evil man in history is...

Ok friends, I am not one to be hostle or violent by nature, but I think something has to be done.

When we look at impact on the globe, many events have caused lots of damage - but the current economic crisis has surpassed WW2 in losses to $$ across the world - without counting that whole bodycount thing. IE: World war2 cost approx 900 BILLION Dollars US in 1945 money - which today would be around 10-25 TRILLION US$. Now, it is hard to figure how much this credit thing has cost so far - but Stock Market losses across the globe in JANUARY 2008 was about 5.2 TRILLION dollars - and here it is 10 months later - so maybe 50 TRillion is gone in just the stock markets.... add in layoffs, foreclosures, sotckbrokers jumping from buildings and landing on people... and the Credit Crunch and Global Meltdown (CCGM) is the most horrible event in world history...(if you ignore that whole bodycount thing and explosions and starvation.. .)

BUT THAT's HOW THIS EVIL MAN - in league with the Devil perhaps - OPERATES!!! You didn't see it coming!

Let's trace it back - Global meltdown due to financials across the world being overextended. Why? Too much borrowing to people - especially in the US and UK - who couldn't afford it (ie: greed) inspired by people wanting bigger houses they couldn't aford in hopes of fixing it or flipping it - because prices always go up, right - and where did they get this idea? Well, with most things post-WW2 - it started with the Boomers and trickled down from their dope-smoking fingers - because Boomers love TLC and A&E and other do-it yourself shows on flipping and fixin and trading spaces etc....

And where did that all come from?You guessed it - BOB VILA!!!!!!!! !

Bob Vila is the most evil man in history!

wikipedia sez: "Home improvement was launched on television in 1979 with the premiere of This Old House starring Bob Vila on PBS."If you calculate EVIL = Total Negative Impact upon your Fellow Man + stress upon the Globe, then Bob Vila is the Anti-Christ.
And yet he sits in his restored Victorian with the 2 by 6 reinforced beams for the walk-out hot tub with the chartreause valence double-sided walkway or whatever the heck he makes - and laughs at you!!! Laid off - Bob Vila did it. No retirement fund - Bob Vila did it. Enron - I heard he was on the Board of Directors. Maybe Bush shouldn't have spent a trillion on a war, but Boomers voted for him inbetween harvesting their pumpkins and adding a wainscoating to the foyer (?whatever that means?) aftrer a trip to Home Depot --- and the Boomers were a product of Hitler's war - the second most evil man in history.

If we can prosecute him in one of those states that allows %age court decisions, if we can get him even 1% responsible for the 50 Trillion dollars - we'll be sitting pretty!!!

Sorry - have to go - my lawyer just sent an urgent text message about something...


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