Saturday, February 10, 2007

Rants and Ramblings of MylesH

Myles figures out the secrets of the universe - and wins the Branson prize!

I actually sent this to his website already so...
billionaire Richard Branson is about to send me $25 million - he challenged for someone to create a non-damaging way to remove 1 billion tons of CO2 from the atmosphere per year. Uh, how about a tree - more likely - 100 billion or 1 trillion trees or carbon-hungry plants. Maybe bamboo or... sigh... hemp (you dope smoking freaks just settle down now)...

We cover over soil to build houses and then plant a lawn or some token 'greenspace' - say the word with a lisp - and think we made a good impact - quite the opposite. Now, we are all selfish and aren't going to stop spreading - but if we incorporate architectural design in our thinking - why can't every flat-top building - with sufficient reinforcement - have a rooftop garden/atrium - in fact, large buildings could have plants on every floor to improve air quality. Plants are carbon sinks - so planting more sucks up more carbon.

The challenge is getting all of your slackers to stop cutting trees in your own backyard or paving the forest (along the Seine River) to build condos - and start planting more trees. Just do it.... ya bunch of prisses...

And another thing.... when they knock down buildings like the Winnipeg Arena - they leave it as an unused lot until someone buys it or builds again. It could become a requirement that you dig a little hole in the concrete to the soil beneath - probably crap growing medium really - and plant some hardy plant to grow - for even a year. Maybe berry bushes or something - making a community garden in the meantime.
All you have to do is put up a sign - "plant here" and some local hippy head will start tilling...

Boy, can you tell I'm not an architect or a botanist... but I can always find a Royal Smart Person with my 25$million

PS: Must remember not to hit 'publish' button 3 times like last time


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